PART 2: Interview about OCD – A Day in My Head & My Sweet Sertraline

My Sweet Sertraline on Amazon:
A Day in My Head on Amazon:
Part 1:

An interview with Aron Bennett, a sufferer of OCD and author of three books on mental health. In part 2, we talk about Aron’s personal story of living with OCD, and about his second and third books, “A Day In My Head” and “My Sweet Sertraline”.

Summary of A Day In My Head: The day is May 16th. An ordinary day for many; for some, a day that would change the course of their lives irrevocably. A Day in My Head is a collection of authentic first-hand accounts of mental illness, ranging from obsessive compulsive disorder to depression, anxiety, panic disorder, physical abuse, schizophrenia, autism and many more. Both moving and funny, the diverse diary entries in this book offer insight and hope that we may someday transcend the stigma surrounding mental illness as we continue journeying propitiously to ever safer, more compassionate shores …

Summary of My Sweet Sertraline: Everything in life is writable. Or so claimed Sylvia Plath, an author of both staggering lyrical talent as well as first-hand experiences of mental ill health. These days, mental illness, thankfully, occupies a much more serious place in societal discourse. Even the Royal Family are publicly campaigning for the improved mental wellbeing of young people, veterans, and the homeless. All the while, we are encouraged as a nation to open up; to go public…

The following diaries cover a relatively stable period of my life. A life quelled by SSRI (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor) intervention, which, to this day, sparks much controversy. A harmful narcotic, a short term Band-Aid or a useful long term adjunctive? The context of this book is not to provide definitive answers to this question, but simply to share first hand experiences of a modern life tinged with mental illness.


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